SQL views are virtual tables that are created from a SELECT statement. They allow you to simplify complex queries and to present data in a specific way. Views are read-only, meaning that you cannot use them to insert, update, or delete data. They are an important part of any SQL query and can help you manage the data in your database more effectively.


CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name1, column_name2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;


CREATE VIEW vw_products AS SELECT id, name, price FROM products WHERE price > 100;

This example creates a view called "vw_products" that displays the "id", "name", and "price" columns from the "products" table where the price is greater than 100. The view is read-only and cannot be used to insert, update, or delete data.

You can learn more about SQL views and other advanced topics in our SQL tutorials and references.